Saturday, 21 February 2009


Tinkles, felt like rippling
Those intrinsic movements
that flow into each other
with such
in dream-like flash...

Soothing sounds like
gentle waves lapping cool
around the ankles, leading
to a euphoria;

so sudden as a fresh spray
tangy water;
like a breathless gasp
in a cold shower.

4 October, '83

Sunday, 15 February 2009


Slowly - so slowly -
I eased my foot into
that footprint
etched in my
long ago.

A footprint with
no feet to match;
till you strode into
my life.

The imprint fit.
You weren't an ideal

You were a lifestyle
that suited.

A way of life moulded.
I feel secure.

12 April, '84

Saturday, 14 February 2009


Curled up on my side-
Lost in thoughts of you...

I didn't know when
you flitted in-
And blew softly
Into my nape.

Eyes closed, lips curved
into a smile-
I knew and waited.

Smiling and sighing
Into my hair-
Turning me,
and nestling me close
Like a baby;

Thankfully, sending up a prayer,
I know, we've lived
Another beautiful day together.

All the time feeling
A sense of Wonder-

Love, I know,
And only you-
Could be so unconditional
with a paraplegic like me!

29 September,'07

And finally, it's here, Valentine's Day! May love shower upon you :) And May we all find that peace and harmony and above all love that will make a difference in our lives, and therefore the World :) Not just for lovers everywhere, but the human race itself :) As Surbhi said on the other blog, in her comment, may we learn Tolerance and Acceptance of each other, and appreciation of that difference :)

Another to share if time and inclination permit :)




Friday, 13 February 2009

A Predictable Surprise!

Got you there!
You say, when you call!

And I....
I can hear
the sound of the
gentle twinkle in your eye-
When you tease me so...

I can see the smile
slipping down from
your eyes- and
leaving your lips in
the light laughter!

Mmmm... and I can
literally taste
the warmth of your look-
The slow fire burning,
Lit by the love that
holds us together!

Each moment of
Our togetherness,
Is such a
Certain, Predictable,
Pleasant, Loving Surprise!

16 December, '07

Valentine's Day is tomorrow :) Come unleash love, to make the world a better place, a non violent place and a place where we can reclaim the choice to live, not just exist :) :)

Solilo:) Thanks for the prompt :) Am keeping the faith.. 6th post.. :)

A bit more mush here "Winsome Wiles" :) :)

Thursday, 12 February 2009

My Love For You!

My love for you-

Is so tender
like the brush of
the silken feathery touch
of a butterfly's wings...

Is so deep
as the unfathomable
depth of
the ocean of Love...

Soars to that
rain-rinsed rainbow
and ever higher, to
the stars twinkling forever.

Is All encompassing
as the expanse of
Timeless Space.

Animations - alien-blue

Is as real as my heart beats:
Each beat a poem of love,

For you-
Only for you!

So true is my love for you.

6 April, '96

Pictures Courtesy:

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

A Notion

Purity, distilled in the essence
Of a dew drop. You, my love.

23 December, '07

This one is an itty bitty one, lol, but still I guess the mush is over the top :) Solilo, you continue to motivate one to spread the love :)

And perhaps you'd like to read another little one too? :) :)

august tidings

Picture Courtesy:

Tuesday, 10 February 2009


We are not a perfect pair.
No! No! Not another pair of lovebirds.

We are not mirror images!
No, No! There would be too little of us!

We are not the dagger and the sheath.
Really! I’d feel real cut up, you know?

You see, we aren’t a pair at all!
I’m you, and you’re me-
Through all the multiple unreal images that manifest,
There is only One soul, we meet in!
I am, but that essence of you,
and so,
You are me!

So your smiles and giggles
Are expressions of my joy-
My tears are the outpouring of your sorrow-
The richness of life is in the
Magic of our mingling breath!

I breathe only as long as you live.

Stop! My dear, you say,
I exult!

And ..
I reply,

I’m breathless,
With your laughter!

26 October 2007


Another to share :

With you, always...

Valentine's Day run-up-flooding-of-Mush-and-Goo, in progress! And thanks again Solilo, for the precious advice!

Monday, 9 February 2009

Just Desserts...

The world crashed in that one moment.
Or so I thought;
Little imagining the aftermath of
The catastrophe would bring..

A time so fulfilling,
A promise so enchanting,
A feeling so overwhelming,
A bond so everlasting.

Never ever thought
I'd say:

Oh My!
Is this Heaven?

And hear the murmur
Close to my heart:


How could Love have crept up,
And folded us in its embrace?

No matter
You whisper...

Here we are,
Enjoying our
Just Desserts....

Picture Courtesy:

As Valentine's Day inches closer, this is my way of carrying on, :), as Solilo has advised us all so sweetly :) Come, fall in Love!!! Lol!

And if time and inclination permit, perhaps you would like to read this one?


And if you want to be flooded, with the tiny ones :

Tantalizing Tanka

Sunday, 8 February 2009

Tickled Pink!

Beguilingly beckoning
Me, in
Unspoken invitations;

You didn't move;
Just a knowing smile
Played upon your lips.

Hesitant, yet certain,
I ventured out, shed
The garment of Doubt!

My heart, bare of disguise,
Drawn to that self same me,
Only its me, in you!

No other way would I have it,
No other miracle was there so true!
No other - just me, and you; just us!

Vain I might sound - it doesn't matter.
My life is drawn with your ink.
In that heaven, me; tickled pink!!

4 August, '07

Picture courtesy:
[ tampered with a bit of work :)


Just thought of flooding this week with mushy gooey writes - Solilo's suggestions being followed, a week in advance :) :) in order to spread as much love as possible :) :), leading up to Val day:) So am scheduling one for each day:) When you get sick of it, just skip this page... :D!!!

Saturday, 7 February 2009

When Memories Rain

It's that time of year
When memories
Rain down on me-

Holding your little hands,
Running out into the rain,
Splashing, drenching,
Squealing, howling!

You two just loved the rain!

The years have flown by-
And this rainy afternoon
I sit, wrapped up in
Muffler and socks

At the open window
Feeling the tingling
Spray of the heavy rain,
In the light breeze...

Watching you play with
Other little hands in yours,
Little feet, and broad arms,
Linking and pulling
Squealing and rumbling-
Laughing and hooting!!

I'm glad, you still love the rain!

My heart warms at the sight
More than any woollens can do;

Am I glad, you two still love the rain!!

19 June, '07


Tuesday, 3 February 2009

To a Single Rose in a Vase

I see you in the corner-
breathing an aura of
colour and fragrance
into a large, sparsely furnished room.

Your quiet acceptance and
Your fortitude radiates into me,
and tells me that
despite the chaos my mind
reflects in my


Life must go on, and
there must be moments
such as this-
of self revelation
which give a richer
meaning to


22 June, ‘83


Picture: My brother's; worked upon, on Photoshop, very amateurishly, by me!

Sunday, 1 February 2009


An awed breathless gallop
Of a stallion,

Its mane lifting clear, erect,
Seen for a fraction of a second
Leaning forward...
Held uncontrollably in the air.

A quiet hush.
A sudden gasp.
A pain in the breath held still
To savour the moment.

And then-

A relapse,
A regression into the mundane.

A sigh in reproach.

7 Sept. '83



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