To look at lifebeyond that distant horizon
is something I love to do-
In the liminal spaces abounding.
Of your gaze, in which
I see times past, and
The promise of future.
Of that child’s laughter
pulling me along in its wake-
A delight, sheer joy in innocence,
Back to a time, when nothing soured.
In that bolt of lightning
which rips apart the sky.
and gives a glimpse, being a window
To power and beauty, incomparable, of nature!
In that word on a page
which in itself opened up
a thousand possibilities-
of use, abuse and experience!
Of a friend, or maybe a stranger,
who takes you places,
knowingly, unknowingly
On to that threshold
you never knew was there.
Through the ink
that is the medium
for the soul to express itself-
bare and raw, in all its glory.
But most of all, the Liminal Space
of finally not being-
when the eyes close, deeper into the self
flying above all earthly bonds-
When I am the Liminal
for my own soul.
Usha, 15 August ‘07
This is one write that is inspired by a young man named Arun, who shared with me some really
awesome pages from an excellent blogger, one of whose pages are to be found in this link.
The word Liminal just refused to leave my mind, and that is why it is here... writing itself through these words. Thanks again, Arun!