Saturday 9 February 2008

A Brooding Green

A brooding green?
Dark. Sombre.
Or a fresh, moist, earthy green?

It is ahead-
this expanse of uncertainty.

The rain has fallen-
Seems like an inspiration;
A cleansing agent,
spraying coolness
a heat chaser!

Doused by the cold water
I try to be rational-
cool and untouched like the
rain-rinsed sylvan expanse

Usha, 5 Jan, '82

1 comment:

  1. A brooding green?
    Dark. Sombre.
    Or a fresh, moist, earthy green?

    de brooding green... loved dat one...broodin green!

    hmmm...broodin green! very interestin!

    god, i guez am broodin iover de broodin green now!!!!


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