Sunday, 10 February 2008

The Coming Together!

In the birdsong
At dawn;
In the little children's laughter
At play.

In the eye that waits
To see the homecoming;

In the anticipation
Of a smile coming one's way.

As that angel,
Hidden, yet guiding, always;
With a knowledge of a light
At the tunnel's end.

And Love-
Yes, Love, that culmination
Of emotion, glad and sad.
That surrender,
To the soul,
And soulmate.

It was with an
Unextinguished hope,
And the certain faith,
That I found that
Simple Joy-
When Love came calling,
With you.

As you!

Usha, 5 February, '08

1 comment:

  1. And Love-
    Yes, Love, that culmination
    Of emotion, glad and sad.
    That surrender,
    To the soul,
    And soulmate.

    :) lovely!!!!! n a beautiful pic!!!!


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