Wednesday, 31 December 2008


Let this be -
The Time of our Lives...

A second after midnight
When they say, the Year
Will be born-

And each second hence,
In a different place, on this
Longitude and that-
Each moment, for nearly a whole day
A New Year Dawns!

Giving thanks for the
Blessings of a year's worth, past

Remembering and grieving and mourning
All who have faced Life's Grim Battle
And won themselves Hereafter;

And, from there,

Surging forward
With the Hope
From the eternal Fount
Of the Soul...

Knowing that we
Shall never forget.

But move on
With memories, evergreen,
In our heart,
Voices strong
Conviction firm
Belief eternal,
In the Religion of Humanity
In the Perception of Peace.

Once Again!

Here's Wishing you all
A Wonderful New Year!
Hoping too
That it brings
Much Love, Luck, Joy
Peace, and Excitement
Energy and Extraordinary
Delights in Slices of Sheer Life!!!

31 December, 2008

Picture courtesy:

Thursday, 25 December 2008

Yuletide Greetings!

A Very Merry Christmas, all ye who drop in here!!
May All you wish for this yuletide, and all to you, so dear

Be with you, close in your heart, and forever near;

May trouble never darken doorways, and bring to you any fear!!

A wish for you all...

That this yuletide is filled with much joy and cheer

For each one of you, and your families, be they near or far

May Peace reign again, and Goodwill fill every heart!!

May God Bless us all...
This Beautiful Day

And Evermore!


25 December, 2008

Picture, courtesy:

Friday, 19 December 2008

An Excuse.. :)

Friends, Bloggers and Comrades-in-Arms
Lend me your eyes, yet awhile...

I come not to post another poem :)
But to offer excuse, for long lapses of presence :D!

Excuses, I have many, and redemption, none!
For all the while I stay away, watching from
A distance, visiting but for a few snatched moments;

My heart, I find buried here, in the parchment
That holds a lot of what I hold dear... :)

Time, they say waits upon all,
Though waits for none...

So let it be with this Rambler,
Quixotic her excuses,
Which [she prays], the generosity
Of your goodselves
Will accept, pardon, and yet receive her, :D

When finally she does find time,
To wander amidst you all again!

18 December, 2008

[Sorry, dear friends, it's been a long haul of school, work, Son-home-on-leave -that is not a haul, it is a joy :D- and family visits. Shall definitely be back in a few days. Till then, do excuse me :)]

And finally, humble apologies to The Bard, for decimating a beautiful piece of his writing... :)

Thursday, 11 December 2008

At Each Dusk..

At each sunset,

When the day has
Outdone itself to
A brilliant remembrance
At dusk.

At each moon rise,
When night decks
Herself in diamond
Stars, and bathes
In enchanting moonlight:

The heart stops a

To feel the magic
And soothe the cares;

To count the blessings
And remember the giving;

To revere the only thing
That matters anymore-


2 April, '91


An old favourite. Also a re-post. :) But sometimes I just like to read this and hope, and hope again, that all will be well. That Love will find a way :)

Pic. Courtsey:

Saturday, 6 December 2008

For My Parents :)

When God made this world
He made it (I'm sure) for
Wonderful People
People like you-
Mom and Dad :)

For all the love
The warmth
Tenderness and joy
You gave us;
The tears, sorrow
You shared with us...

For the lessons you taught us
The strength you gave us
The independence and faith
You inspired in us...

A prayer for you:
That joy will dog you, always;
That sorrow may be a thing
Of the past;
That you may enjoy the company
Of you great-grand children;
That you may be together
Beyond eternity;
That you may find peace
And may it always be with you...


This, and life's totality
We hope, will be yours, this day

And always...

Our dearest

1 December, 1985


Today, 7 December, is my parents' wedding anniversary. Just rewinding to an old write, to wish them :) The picture is of them, a couple of days after they got married, way back to almost fifty years ago.

Friday, 5 December 2008


I am the light
You say, that has lit up
A life, and blotted out the

A cliché no less,
Am I that, alone?

Be that as it may
Don't shadows sometimes comfort?
In the recesses of their being?
Hide, and warm old
Memories, never letting you forget
The Pain, that intensified
The Joy!

I shall not mouth another
Cliché, in return;
Though perhaps, I'd like to
Think that having your
Shade, and basking in
The Shadow, that is you
Has cooled my fevered existence
And given me that
Space, to hide.

Nay, blend, more like
Blend my light with your shade,
To ripple on, endlessly
Like the chiaroscuro
Playing on the shallow sand
Of the lapping lake, of existence.

26 November, 2008

The muse did visit, early 26th, November, but by the time I thought of sharing this one, hell's highway was happening in Mumbai.

Thursday, 4 December 2008


So why does the silk worm spin
Yarns of purity in lustrous strands?
The sole purpose of its existence-
Oozing itself out,
Not for itself, but Never!

Only to serve a higher purpose
At the cost of its own self.

The blade of grass-
That sustains the food chain.

The Ants, zealous, uncomplaining
Disciplined, unquestioning;

Nature and the Lord's many creations,
Except, perhaps, man.

Look around, dear Child:

Do they ask,

Why me?

10 March, 2008

Monday, 1 December 2008


The destiny planned out
weaves its intricate threads thru'
hearts of people;

tearing emotions, feelings
bonds, into pieces;

The work of that Superman?

I don't know now;
maybe I'll never know.
Maybe it'll remain as elusive
as that pot of Gold
at the rainbow's end.

Or maybe
the Wonders of the Infinite
will be understood
thru' the pains and sorrows
of living life;

Just cherishing those moments
that are worth the hell
the rest of our life holds..

I'll know...

26 January, '84

Picture, Courtsey:


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