The early morning sun peeks in
through the window
It withdraws just as quickly.
The fiery red sobers
to a pale gleam
that turns the dewdrops on the grass,
on the cobwebs in the garden
into liquid pearls…
winking momentarily before
dappled sunshine on the lawn
on the bougainvillea dominating the centre,
on the flower beds, a riot of colour and perfume!
Butterflies flitting from flower to flower
Their wispy wings aflame with colour in the sun!
Looking magical…
The cat- black with white socks, tawny eyed
writhing in obvious pleasure, pausing now and then
to fix a cunning eye on chirping sparrows nearby!
The sun blazing down mercilessly-
a curious stillness in the air-
no butterflies, birds, or cat, on the lawn…
total inactivity… in sultry scene…
Long slanting rays of the sun disappearing
over the far horizon.
The sky adorning hues of myriad colours
in rapid succession-
from pale yellow, a sudden flaming crimson-gold
to a pastel pink… till finally
shades of grey touch the
feathery clouds high above,
before darkness descends completely.
Birds flying home, silhouetted against
this colourful skyscape!
Raucous crows squabble, beyond the lawn
Chattering mynahs, magpies join melodiously..
Eventually, inevitably, they too settle peacefully,
As the first glares of the street lamps
blots the pearly glow of twilight!
sometimes dropping down in a
swish of silk
sometimes descending heavily
as a curtain…
The grand finale, at the end
of a long run!
An occasional firefly flashes signals
a blind bat swoops past with a whisper of wings..
a dry leaf scuttles crisply in the breeze…
Moths, dragonflies, insects swarm the street lamps.

Against the midnight blue sky-
stars twinkle invitations: irresistibly!
Night, an immense dark satin cloak
studded with diamonds
protecting the Earth!
The world sleeps, the hours go on-
The Window remains open
The panoramic views change
Always different, always enchanting.
Always magical.
Always inspiring…
Could it be…
My Window to Heaven?
30 September, ‘82
Pictures, curtsey:
Looking back on an adolescent piece :) And trying things out with the scheduled post, and publish to draft to schedule :) :) The pictures have all been taken from Google Images. I cannot find the real original ones of the window and lawn and house TA-5 where we lived, and had that bougainvillea, and the cat we called "Yellow" for the colour of his eyes :) Every detail outlined here is for real, and I guess that is why this is a treasured write :)
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
ReplyDeleteLived an entire day along the journey of this beauty! Adolescent piece? Whoa! Ahem. :)
ReplyDeleteA request. I'd like you to read this
Please do let me know what you think. This is all I could work up in my adolescence! Lol! ;)
Aww..Fabulously knitted..
ReplyDeleteAs i just completed my enunciation of this fabulous piece.I happened to see the tags associated with this write; Its so very true ma'am-"be uplifted, Nature, Rambles".
I cant but agree on that,truly uplifting and refreshing piece of poetry.
Sanket, it does, it does! Thanks for being the first one in :)
ReplyDeleteTara, you "adolescent" piece was way beyond this one.. really good! Ahem :)!! Fact.
Thanks for the sweet words!
Bharat, now that was truly uplifting to hear, too, especially coming from you.. Thanks a ton!!
ReplyDeleteGood one, Usha. :)
ReplyDeleteVery much in tune with nature...liked it much
the cat seemed a bit out of place, though :)
Awefreakinsome... What a composition! :)
OH!This was my garden!Those butterflies fluttering …they sat on those flowers I had seen grow…bougainvillea….we had them as bushes….as a hedge….
ReplyDeleteand the cat!Oh!I have to show you this picture taken in that same garden ,my elder brother caressing a cat…she used to appear from nowhere…I will I promise…just let me find it..:)
The sun blazing down mercilessly-
a curious stillness in the air-
no butterflies, birds, or cat, on the lawn…
total inactivity… in sultry scene…''
Perfect…..absolutely ,completely perfect…..this is how I had always pictured noon time to be….when we had just returned from school..eaten lunch…and were getting restless….ma sleeping,dad in office…summer afternoons….lazy ones,laidback…ones...
This was my noon too…And to be honest,I could never have portrayed it so beautifully,so precisely….really…..you have to take my word that this was how my noons were…..:)
Long slanting rays of the sun disappearing
over the far horizon.
The sky adorning hues of myriad colours
in rapid succession-
from pale yellow, a sudden flaming crimson-gold
to a pastel pink… till finally
shades of grey touch the
feathery clouds high above,
before darkness descends completely.''
Did you live in my house?Did you peek out from my window?Because this was what I saw everyday……
''Birds flying home, silhouetted against
this colourful skyscape!
Raucous crows squabble, beyond the lawn
Chattering mynahs, magpies join melodiously..
Eventually, inevitably, they too settle peacefully,
As the first glares of the street lamps
blots the pearly glow of twilight!''
Now if I say these were my evenings too,will you believe me I wonder?Because they were….
And I didn’t even remember until this very moment….
The mad rush home…back to the nests….Why don’t I remember it I wonder?
I think it’s because we don’t have birds here in this concrete jungle that we live in..I envy you for that….for.where you live….there….is it as beautiful a place as I have heard?or more?:)
''As the first glares of the street lamps
blots the pearly glow of twilight!''
This more than any other made the scene come alive for me.....my childhood house on a quiet corner ..
Devika, glad you liked it! And yes I do love nature, so it had to be so :) Loved my cat too.. and he was a part of that lawn.. :) Thanks for your good words!
ReplyDeleteKarthik, I have to try this out in class. Loved the way you said it.. awefreakinsome. Lol. Thanks so much!
''And then it is Night-
ReplyDeletesometimes dropping down in a
swish of silk
sometimes descending heavily
as a curtain…
The grand finale, at the end
of a long run!
An occasional firefly flashes signals
a blind bat swoops past with a whisper of wings..
a dry leaf scuttles crisply in the breeze…
Moths, dragonflies, insects swarm the street lamps''
No,I am not eating up space.:)..rather just trying to see what it is that speaks to me too of that childhood home of mine....did we share the same one you think?:)This was my window to heaven too...
With this ,this right here ,you have stolen my heart and peeked into my home too as I have in yours..:)
Usha Pisharody You rock!You do...in more ways than one...
I will show you the pictures after I hunt for them to show you what I am remembering now....of a home long left but never forgotten...
And I will peek here everyday now just to see what my dumb blog doesnt show in the updates..
thanks for letting me know...I would have missed this otherwise...
and it would have been my loss entirely....
And Meggy :) I think that should be the perfect name for you Indyeah :) ... why do you think I told you on your latest post that you haven't visited your home?
ReplyDeleteThat post of your memories, brought this one to the fore, in my mind. One of my earliest writes, when I was in college, and the words came as I sat by that window, yours too now... !
Heaven they say, is not a time or place but a state of being. Your words for this write have taken me there!
I shall not say thanks. What I feel now is something beyond that!!
About the movie:-and oh!There's only one scene which will gross you out totally...when he's a kid.....otherwise brilliantly made...just be prepared..:)
ReplyDeleteAnd well, I guess I am lucky to have birds, butterflies, dogs and cats around, though of course, it is not the same place. That was a special house, the one I did a lot of growing up in, as you did too, I know!!
ReplyDeleteMeggy, you rock too!!!
And yes, of course, I shall be prepared.. thank you, for the warning too :D!!!
ReplyDeleteIt is magical. Words weaved so beautifully!
ReplyDeleteSolilo, thanks for the visit, and the lovely warm words!