Sunday, 5 April 2009

Life, Again...

Into the well of silence
Flows our unspoken,
But deeply felt dreams;

The day you stepped
Right into my life-

(And broke down
the defences,
Constructed painfully
Through years and years
Of Banging my head-
Against the Wall of Life)

You left me open
And vulnerable again,
To Emotion-

I was lost.

The suddenness of
A cold cold stinging shower,
And here I am
Awakened to Life.

I find the silence
From the Screaming
Emptiness of Loneliness...

Life sprouted again,
Fed by the dreams,
Infused by your strength,
Your relentless tenderness,
And lifted by your
Buoyant, uplifting
Cloak of Love-

And so,
I find


27 March, 2008


Re-post again, till the Muse decides to pay a visit :) Bear with this rambler, please :) thanks :)


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