Friday, 26 April 2013

Limitless, Shail's Sky :)

Shail Mohan's Photograph
Shail Mohan's Photograph on her Blog, Shots and Captures. Click on picture to  go to the blog :)
The Sky is an ocean too ...
Dying to be, more ....
Like the seas,
Sometimes blue,
Or is it emrald
A touch of stormy grey?
It has no waves, sadly
And yearns so much ...
And then on wings of wishes
They come;
White, cottony, frothy
Selfsame, those waves...
And lap the edges of that
Nothingness, which remains
Quiescent, waiting.
Gently around the edges
Slowly spreading out...
So that, soon, it shall be
Blue no more ...
26 April, 2013
Online, after yearning, here too :)
And thank you Shail, for the endless prompts you give this writing challenged rambler :) by way of your wonderful photographs!

Wednesday, 10 April 2013


Shail Mohan's Photograph on her blog
Shail Mohan's Photograph on her blog
My tendrils twirling tenaciously
Time on my side...
Tiny, yet strong
Fresh and Eager.
I aspire.
Don't you want to?
10 April, 2013
Online, Inspired  :)
Note: Inspired entirely by this post from Shail Mohan's entrancing photograph. And titled similarly, in supplication of her awesome captioning skills :)
Shail, this one's for you :)

Monday, 8 April 2013

Second Chances

If you've ever been told
Winning isn't everything,
Winner or not,
You'd have probably scowled :D
So where does winning take you?
To fame? Throw you up to gut screeching joy?
Or gloat and brag and preen?
Perhaps line your purse
Or maybe help you hitch that ride onward?
I know the best thing about it
(Errrm... not winning ie)
Is you get another shot at it.. :)
You're lucky, you know
You get to do it differently.
You get to say things you never would have.
You get to find yourself.
Yes, winning is good.
But if you don't, maybe
You'll get that other chance.
And boy! Second Chances matter.
Go on, and take that chance.
Believe. It's a miracle waiting to happen :)
second chances

8 April, 2013, online
Sashu's Update on FB, which read: "Always, always believe in second chances. It could be the best thing you'd ever do - for others as well as for yourself. :)" is the reason for this ramble :)


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