Coiled within, deep down
Unwilling to unravel
Is me.
Is me; or, is it I?
It must be me-
Subdued, subjugated
Submerged, subservient...
Not I, when I have been
Above all that, which dared
To subject, to assail,
To undermine, to negate.
Indeed, I was,
Had been, the One
Who'd seen it all.
All? Hollow laughter escapes
My heart, laden with
Molten emotion.
Like those drops of mercury
They curiously cohere-
Gathering within, drowning
Filling, but never spilling.
Oh no! They're too guarded,
Too careful, to ever despoil-
To be so uncouth, as to bare themselves.
Me. Blanketed-
Waiting for I, with You.
To stir me. Energize. Vibrate.
And will, into that
Ultimate Union- when I and me
Become You.

9 February, 2010